Hunter New England Local Health District

Status Status
Participant Account for Demo

Status for Demo

Your participation status is currently Active.

You will receive the next survey reminder email when it is sent out.

Recent Surveys

You have completed all of the recent surveys.  Look out for the next survey reminder email.

Survey Week Completed On
14-Apr-24 15/04/24 08:14
14-Apr-24 15/04/24 08:14
14-Apr-24 15/04/24 08:14
14-Apr-24 15/04/24 08:14
14-Apr-24 15/04/24 08:14
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Week ending 14 April 2024
1.3% fever and cough this week, 1.4% fever and cough last week

Weekly report showing percentage incidence of Fever and Cough
Weekly Respiratory Illness Map and the Latest Weekly Report.